A lot of people think you need to eat a meat and dairy diet in order to maintain high performance as an athlete. So, can professional footballers still run and shoot and score hat-tricks on a plant-based diet alone? We teamed up with Professor Dr. Martin Smollich from the Institute of Nutritional Medicine in Lübeck and German football club, SV Babelsberg 03, for an 8-week pilot study to find out. Watch the documentary below to see what happened...

Desio milk was given which ususally includes the 3 aspects, breed rotation, herb fed desi cow milk, is 100 traceable Desio milk was given which ususally includes the 3 aspects, breed rotation, herb fed desi cow milk, is 100 traceable

idhar ek baar batana hai thoda bhot desigo ke baare mei , ki konsa milk se desired results aayeidhar ek baar batana hai thoda bhot desigo ke baare mei , ki konsa milk se desired results aayeidhar ek baar batana hai thoda bhot desigo ke baare mei , ki konsa milk se desired results aaye.

Desio milk was given which ususally includes the 3 aspects, breed rotation, herb fed desi cow milk, is 100 traceable Desio milk was given which ususally includes the 3 aspects, breed rotation, herb fed desi cow milk, is 100 traceable

idhar ek baar batana hai thoda bhot desigo ke baare mei , ki konsa milk se desired results aayeidhar ek baar batana hai thoda bhot desigo ke baare mei , ki konsa milk se desired results aayeidhar ek baar batana hai thoda bhot desigo ke baare mei , ki konsa milk se desired results aaye.

Desio milk was given which ususally includes the 3 aspects, breed rotation, herb fed desi cow milk, is 100 traceable Desio milk was given which ususally includes the 3 aspects, breed rotation, herb fed desi cow milk, is 100 traceable

idhar ek baar batana hai thoda bhot desigo ke baare mei , ki konsa milk se desired results aayeidhar ek baar batana hai thoda bhot desigo ke baare mei , ki konsa milk se desired results aayeidhar ek baar batana hai thoda bhot desigo ke baare mei , ki konsa milk se desired results aaye.

Milk Reservation